23 February 2010

Much Ado in the Moonlight (Kurland)

This was a novel I pilfered from a friend's shelf and read over a weekend. It was nothing spectacular, and certainly not life changing (except for the mysterious disappearance of a weekend). That said, at least it was pleasant. Some parts made me laugh, and for a romance it was less repulsive than I might have expected. (And clean! Oh happy day. When my friend assured me that it was lacking in moral trash I assumed she meant that in a strictly relative sense. After all, the back cover makes explicit mention of a "gorgeous Highland warrior". I doubted with reason.)

Would I recommend it to all my friends? Certainly not. It took me at least four chapters to fit myself to the writing style and then some extra patience to wait out the handful of characters that Kurland keeps around so they can do nothing much over several pages at several locations in the plot. That said, it isn't without merit. For those already converted to the genre, this one's a solid pick.

No sample because I'm not paging through it to find one. :)

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