08 March 2010

The Princess Bride (Goldman)

On my first time through "S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure" I thought it was the greatest thing ever written. That was more than five years ago. The second pass was less amazing, but only because I knew the end from the beginning. When there is no foreknowledge, it's an intense little read. When you have memory for an oracle, the adventures of Westley, Buttercup, Fezzik and Inigo (oh, always Inigo) are less engrossing but still epic and hilarious. With some judicious editing it could make a cracking good bedtime story. But I have no kiddies, and so it is instead a most satisfying conclusion to the illicit novel binge.

Forward, then! First, a book fast so that I am forced to pay attention to my own affairs. (Yes, yes, we're purging. Call it reader's bulimia. I won't argue.) After about two weeks I'll dive back into books, hopefully confined to more enlightening fare. CS Lewis, my old friend, come to my arms . . .

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